Assembly: Stewards prepare to share their gifts

25 Jul 2023

Since their first meeting, Assembly stewards have reached important milestones. Savanna Sullivan, LWF Program Executive for Youth, talks about thematic roles and sharing their gifts.

Assembly stewards 2010

Stewards speak to the plenary at the LWF Eleventh Assembly in Germany. Photo: LWF/Erick Coll.

Blessed with individual gifts and roles  

(LWI) - A special group of young adults will participate in the Thirteenth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) as stewards. Earlier this year 25 young adults from across the Lutheran communion were selected to join the program. They have begun their journey to prepare and share their gifts at the next gathering of LWF’s highest decision-making body. 

The first meeting was held in February and a more recent one brought the young adults together online in July. “One of the greatest achievements of this group is the teamwork and the progress they have made towards carrying out essential roles at the Assembly” says Savanna Sullivan, LWF Program Executive for Youth. “Assembly stewards have the responsibility to develop their leadership skills to support the smooth running of the Assembly and enhance the participation of young people. All of them have demonstrated their commitment to supporting this process and each other.” 

For many stewards this will be their first experience at an LWF Assembly. Performing as a cog in the functioning and practices of the event means that they need to be familiar with how an LWF Assembly operates. “A challenge, as we prepare, is to ensure all stewards are aware of what an Assembly is and how it is run,” says Sullivan.  “As they collaborate and train with volunteer teams, they are also gaining clarity on assignments and enhancing the skills they bring to the table.” 

“It has been rewarding to see the progress stewards have made and the enthusiasm they bring to the trainings,” says Rebecca Daniel, Stewards Coordinator. “Through the program, young people have a platform at the Assembly to sharpen their leadership skills, affirm their gifts and learn more about the global Lutheran communion.”

“I learned that a good steward has excellent organizational skills, promotes teamwork and communicates well,” says Letso Sebataladi, a steward from Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana, who served at the Africa Pre-Assembly in May. “I got to see how the stewards there performed and already built new friendships. I am definitely excited to meet the rest of the team,” she said.

I have learned that being a steward is far more than just showing up and giving directions. It is serving with your whole heart, prayerfully present in a cross cultural and diverse body of Christ. You work as a team to support the mission of God.

– Elsa Matthias, steward from the Lutheran Church of Australia.

“I have learned that being a steward is far more than just showing up and giving directions. It is serving with your whole heart, prayerfully present in a cross cultural and diverse body of Christ. You work as a team to support the mission of God,” says Elsa Matthias, steward from the Lutheran Church of Australia. “The last seven months have given me the time and space to fully prepare for the meeting. So, I am looking forward to being at the Assembly with my siblings in Christ in person, working together to support the message and governance of the LWF,” she added.  

In August the stewards will meet with members of the stewardship program alumni to learn more about this long-standing tradition and hopefully gain inspiration about their own potential as leaders, says Sullivan. The Assembly will be an opportunity for participants to see the fruits of the hard work of “these young enthusiastic Lutherans,” she adds. As the Assembly gets closer, “I hope everyone will remember the stewards in prayer and celebrate the achievements of the youth whose gifts we get to witness through this program.”

The Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation takes place 13-19 September 2023 in Krakow, Poland. The theme of the Assembly will be “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”. It will be hosted by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland. 

LWF/T. Rakoto