In Graz, Austria, Lutherans and ecumenical partners revive a biblical tradition by washing the public's feet on Maundy Thursday, symbolizing humility and community connection.

As in the previous year (photo), a public washing of the feet will also be offered in Graz on Maundy Thursday this year. Photo: Cornelia Ornig/epdÖ
“An act with great symbolic power”
(LWI) - This year, for the second time, there will be a public foot-washing on Maundy Thursday in Graz, Austria. This is an initiative of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Austria with ecumenical partners.
On 28 March, church representatives will offer to wash the feet or hands of individuals passing through busy places in the city. The background is the biblical narrative in John 13 Where Jesus washes the disciples' feet, illustrating humility and service.
So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.
John 13:14 and 15
"The public foot washing was very well received last year and led to wonderful encounters and deep conversations," says Rev. Marcus Hütter, one of the organizers. This time, the event will be bigger and ecumenical," emphasizes the Lutheran pastor of the Church of the Redeemer in Graz-Liebenau.
There will be mixed ecumenical teams at three locations where people can "sit down and let us - full-time staff and volunteers alike - wash their feet or hands," which is "an act with great symbolic power," says Hütter. In this way, we will "meet people and do something good for them based on our Christian convictions".
Source: epdÖ