Committed to prevent violence against children

10 Sep 2021
Initiative to bring awareness of violence against displaced children in collaboration with faith-based actors and LWF country program staff. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Initiative to bring awareness of violence against displaced children in collaboration with faith-based actors and LWF country program staff. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

LWF and Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children join hands to promote awareness, seek solutions

(LWI) The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (ENDviolence), will join hands to promote awareness of violence against children. A public event on 16 September will showcase the engagement of LWF member churches and LWF's humanitarian and development work, highlighting the efforts of faith-based actors to prevent violence against children.

Faith-Based Actors and Preventing Violence Against Children: a Global Perspective from LWF” is a part of Together to #EndViolence’s Solutions Summit Series. It will feature perspectives from key stakeholders, church leaders, testimonials from children, and presentations from LWF country programs and member churches in Colombia, Uganda, Nepal, Argentina, and Sweden. In addition, the voices from children in more than twenty LWF World Service country programs all around the globe are part of the program.

Dr. Howard Taylor, Executive Director of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Martin Junge will open the event.

During the event, LWF will deliver insights on how faith-based leaders can integrate child violence prevention into various contexts through activities and campaigns that put prevention at the core of their work with families, parents, and children. LWF World Service country programs and senior representatives will share approaches to dealing with violence against children in displacement camps and host communities.

Two short films will highlight the work of an LWF country program and a member church’s impact on vulnerable children’s lives. In addition, children’s perspectives are included through testimonials, role-playing, and statements of children from LWF programs in Myanmar, Nepal, Cameroon, and El-Salvador.

The event will conclude with a pledge session, where LWF will launch pledges to strengthen work globally on preventing violence against children.


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