Faith actors call for Global Solidarity with Refugees

20 Jun 2019
Refugees wait their turn, at a distribution of non-food items in Minawao. The Minawao camp for Nigerian refugees, located in the Far North region of Cameroon, hosts some 58,000 refugees from North East Nigeria. The refugees are supported by the Lutheran World Federation, together with a range of partners. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Refugees wait their turn, at a distribution of non-food items in Minawao. The Minawao camp for Nigerian refugees, located in the Far North region of Cameroon, hosts some 58,000 refugees from North East Nigeria. The refugees are supported by the Lutheran World Federation, together with a range of partners. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

UNHCR, LWF and other faith communities commit to support refugees

(LWI) - The diversity of origins and traditions which make humanity unique are being targeted by intolerance, sometimes by brutal violence, and refugees are often on the front line of this assault. Reinforcing the traditional role of faith communities in offering sanctuary to refugees, more than 25 faith-based actors express their further commitment to upholding the dignity of refugees through offering effective protection, access to social services and fulfillment of human rights and enhancing peacebuilding efforts. Based on their religious teachings, as well as on the experience that some of their communities have of being targeted themselves, faith-based actors seek to address xenophobia as one of their special responsibilities.

The Global Compact on Refugees specifically recognizes the contribution and long-standing experience of faith-based actors in supporting refugees and will highlight these contributions at the Global Refugee Forum. Whether supporting refugees, including children, on their journey to safety including in reception and admission, meeting protection or service delivery needs and supporting communities to find solutions such as private sponsorship programmes, faith-based actors are committed to working alongside states and the rest of the global humanitarian community to deliver the promise of the Global Compact on Refugees.

  1. ACT Alliance
  2. Adventist Development and Relief Agency ADRA
  3. American Jewish World Service
  4. Anglican Alliance
  5. Anglican Communion
  6. Caritas Internationalis
  7. Christian Aid
  8. Church World Service
  9. EU-Cord
  10. Food for the Hungry
  11. Global One
  12. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
  13. International Catholic Migration Commission
  14. Islamic Relief Worldwide
  15. Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
  16. Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
  17. Lutheran World Federation
  18. Network for Dialogue
  19. Religions for Peace
  20. Soka Gakkai International
  21. Tearfund
  22. World Council of Churches
  23. World Evangelical Alliance
  24. World Relief
  25. World Vision International

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