LWF Annual Report 2023 published

The Thirteenth Assembly is prominent in 2023 Annual Report of the LWF which is now available on the LWF’s website and in hard copy.

10 Jun 2024
LWF Annual Report 2023. Cover photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

LWF Annual Report 2023. Cover photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

For a just and peaceful world 

(LWI) - Key achievements and memorable moments of 2023: The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has published its 2023 Annual Report.  

The Thirteenth LWF assembly features prominently in the 2023 report. "For one week, the city of Kraków became the heart of global Lutheranism. United under the theme' One Body, One Spirit, One Hope', we strengthened our bonds through prayer, worship, reflection and witness", LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt and LWF President Bishop Henrik Stubkjær say in their joint editorial.   

The report is presented in a new and differently structured format. The first part gives an overview of activities and events through the year across several photo spreads. The Thirteenth Assembly and the Pre-Assemblies are featured strongly, conveying the essence of the event which gathered people from across the communion.  

The second part highlights significant achievements from key programmatic areas, providing a comprehensive overview of the work of the global communion.  

The third section is dedicated to partnerships, staff, and sustainability, and governance. It also features a short interview with the newly elected LWF president, who shares five of his favorite Bible quotes.  

"We invite all to experience the vibrant life of the Lutheran communion through this report," said Rev Arni Danielsson, the Head of Communications. 

The report is available online and will be distributed as a hard copy at the LWF Council which opens in Chavannes-de-Bogies, later this week. For a print version in PDF, please contact the LWF communications office. 

LWF/C. Kästner-Meyer