LWF Communion Joins in Prayer for Abducted School Girls

13 May 2014
LWF Communion Office staff says

LWF Communion Office staff says

Special Prayers and Fasting in Nigerian Congregations

(LWI) – The call and prayer for the 276 abducted Nigerian school girls has been shared by member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) worldwide. Congregations in all regions took up the call to join the Anglican women’s network in a special Sunday worship for the student’s safe return.

In many countries, the prayer received special attention as the second Sunday in May is also celebrated as Mother’s Day. Congregations in Nigeria joined in a special worship on 11 May, wearing black and fasting in remembrance for the abducted girls.

“Thank you for your concern, sympathy and solidarity as well as that of the LWF communion office” Ms Titi Malik, LWF council member from Nigeria, said in response to the call to prayer. “This is a trying moment for Nigeria and we appreciate the global community’s concern and commitment fighting this crime against humanity.”

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) which The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) is a member of has condemned the abduction as a “criminal act” and called all churches to fast and pray for God’s intervention in the rescue of the girls.

“Women in all churches are holding special prayer sessions in their various churches for the safe return of the girls and peace in Nigeria” Ms Malik said. “In many Nigerian cities, protesting women groups comprising women of different faiths, youths and men are demanding government to expedite action in rescuing the girls.”

“Because of our faith we will never get used to the idea that human beings could be regarded and treated as a commodity. They are not for sale!” LWF General Secretary Rev Martin Junge said. “This is true for the abducted girls in Nigeria as it is also true for the many human beings, in particular women and children, who are subject to trafficking today.”

We join hands in a prayer written by Elizabeth Smith from the Diocese of Perth, Anglican Church of Australia.

Prayer for the kidnapped Nigerian girls May 2014

O God, we cry out to you
for the lives and the freedom
of the 276 kidnapped girls in Nigeria.
In their time of danger and fear,
pour out your strong Spirit for them.
Make a way home for them in safety.
Make a way back for them
to the education that will lift them up.
Hold them in the knowledge
that they are not captive slaves,
they are not purchased brides,
but they are your beloved daughters,
and precious in your sight.
Change the hearts and minds of their kidnappers
and of all who choose violence against women and girls.
Cast down the mighty from their seat,
and lift up the humble and meek,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Call to Prayer

LWF Communication