LWF launches Thirteenth Assembly visual identity

29 Apr 2021
The Lutheran World Federation has launched the visual identity for its upcoming Thirteenth Assembly. Photo: LWF

The Lutheran World Federation has launched the visual identity for its upcoming Thirteenth Assembly. Photo: LWF

A vibrant and colorful expression of Assembly theme and local context  

(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation has launched the visual identity for its upcoming Thirteenth Assembly. "This is a colorful and vibrant logo which conveys well the Assembly theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope,'” said Bishop Dr Támas Fabiny, chairperson of the Thirteenth Assembly Planning Committee.

The Thirteenth Assembly will be held in Krakow, Poland, in September 2023. It will be hosted by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland (ECACP).

The visual identity brings together the theme of the Assembly, LWF’s values, and the local context of the Assembly. Three symbols, representing body, spirit and hope, show connectedness as one body in Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and called to share the transformative hope and love of God with the world.

The colors connect LWF’s visual identity with the nature and geography of Poland. The form of the Assembly logo is a modern representation of traditional Polish paper cut designs, drawing further inspiration from the local context and cultural heritage.

Ms Kristen Opalinski, a Polish American graphic designer, developed the Thirteenth Assembly visual identity. “I have never been more excited or felt more personally connected to a project than this one,” said Opalinski, who currently works for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. “We are connected as a global Lutheran family in a wide variety of ways and I wanted to convey that through the visual identity of the Assembly," she added. “I hope that this logo will inspire and uplift as we look towards gathering as a communion in Krakow and around the world in 2023.”

“For our small, minority church the Assembly is an extremely important event, because it calls attention to our Polish community and with the Lutheran communion, the message that all churches are equally important regardless of size or wealth will be evident,” said ECACP Presiding Bishop Jerzy Samiec.

“We invite the LWF member churches to use the new visual identity as they promote the Assembly locally,” said LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge. “As we prepare the Thirteenth Assembly it will help us convey how we are One Body, inspired by One Spirit and living and working together in One Hope.”   

The Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the LWF. It brings together representatives from all LWF member churches to empower the Lutheran communion for its witness and service in the coming years.

It will also offer an opportunity to reflect upon the local context in Poland and the regional context in Central Eastern Europe. This is the second Assembly to be held in Central Eastern Europe after the 1984 assembly in Budapest, Hungary.

The visual identity is available in English, French, Spanish, German, and Polish. It will be shared on the LWF and Assembly websites with guidelines specifying its use. The logo will be used in all official communication about the Assembly. Further visual products, such as posters and social media frames, will be made available for member churches and partners.

The official launch took place at the meeting of the Assembly Planning Committee on 28 April 2021.


LWF Assembly logos and visual identity

Thirteenth Assembly Web Site


The Thirteenth Assembly of the LWF will be held in the city of Krakow, Poland, from 13-19 September 2023. The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland, which is one of the founding member churches of the LWF, will host the Assembly. Under the theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope,” the Assembly will gather representatives from all LWF member churches. The Assembly is the highest governing body of the LWF.