LWF World Service Annual Report 2023 published

The LWF World Service Annual Report reflects LWF’s humanitarian and development work in a growing number of conflicts and emergencies worldwide.

11 Jun 2024
LWF World Service Annual Report. Photo: LWF/ S. Gallay

LWF World Service Annual Report. Photo: LWF/ S. Gallay

For Hope and a Future 

(LWI) - Serving people in need in a world of conflicts: LWF has published the 2023 Annual Report of its humanitarian and development arm, LWF World Service. 

Rise in man-made disasters 

LWF World Service director Maria Immonen says the report reflects a growing number of conflicts and protracted crises worldwide. “The past years have seen a rapid rise in man-made disasters, conflict, and war, often lasting decades without peace agreements or political solutions. Mass displacement, suffering, and need are growing fast on a global level,” she says.

Mass displacement, suffering, and need are growing fast on a global level.

Maria IMMONEN, director LWF World Service

Humanitarian work is becoming increasingly difficult in these environments while the needs of affected populations grow. “Wars are often fueled by natural disasters, combining the effects of extreme weather-related needs with armed conflict, and civilians caught up in dire circumstances in inhospitable places in hard-to-reach areas,” she adds, highlighting the crises and humanitarian response in Eastern Chad, Ethiopia, and Palestine.   

2.6 million reached 

The report not only celebrates a selection of successful projects for people in need but also underscores the significant impact of the humanitarian work LWF World Service does on behalf of LWF member churches. In 2023, LWF World Service  worked for 2.6 million people, refugees, internally displaced persons, their hosts and vulnerable communities, making a tangible difference in their lives. 

While the operational environment has become increasingly challenging, the more than 7,000 World Service staff continue to serve. Immonen emphasizes: “The victims of war are among the most vulnerable people in the world, and LWF World Service continues to seek them out, offer them support and empowerment in the worst conditions.” 

The report is available online and will be distributed as a hard copy at the LWF Council. For a print version in PDF, please get in touch with the LWF communications office.

LWF/C. Kästner-Meyer