New publication introduces Thirteenth Assembly and its theme

27 Oct 2021

An invitation to member churches to engage with the 2023 assembly theme: “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”  

(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has published the first of its Thirteenth Assembly resources to introduce the assembly and its thematic focus. The brochure titled One Body, One Spirit, One Hope - Introducing the Thirteenth Assembly and its Theme, includes an invitation to member churches to engage with the theme as they prepare to gather for the next highest governing body of the global communion. 

The assembly will be held, 13-19 September 2023, in Krakow, hosted by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.  

LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge commends the publication to the member churches as a resource for study at a local and national level. “In doing so, we build up momentum as we start nurturing our global gathering at the Thirteenth Assembly in Krakow,” he, states in the preface. 

Each element of the theme is elaborated through biblical, theological, and contextual perspectives that draw attention to the unique situation of individual churches. The explanations highlight the common goal for the Lutheran communion members to explore together what it means to be one body in one Spirit, with one hope for their shared witness. Unity in diversity, an underlying characteristic of the theme, is discussed to affirm the call to witness to God’s liberating and creative activity of reconciling and renewing the world. 

A set of three questions offered at the end of each section are meant to inspire reflection on how to grow into deeper communion not only among the churches, but with the neighbor and with creation.  

For churches that are not familiar with previous assemblies and those getting to know the LWF, a short description of the LWF is provided, as well as the nature and functions of an assembly.  

Read the publication in English, German, Spanish and French, and in Polish

By LWF/P. Mumia 


The Assembly is LWF’s highest decision-making body, consisting of representatives from the communion’s member churches. It meets every six to seven years to give general direction to LWF’s work, elect the President and the Council members, act on the reports of the President, General Secretary and Chairperson of the Finance Committee, and on matters related to the LWF Constitution.