Season of Creation 2022: “Listen to the Voice of Creation”

01 Sep 2022

Ecumenical prayer and advocacy for creation and climate justice

This year’s theme for the Season of Creation, “Listen to the Voice of Creation”, invites participants to consider ways to contemplate the voices of those who are silenced – among them the voices of indigenous peoples and women. Photo: Sean Hawkey/WCC

This year’s theme for the Season of Creation, “Listen to the Voice of Creation”, invites participants to consider ways to contemplate the voices of those who are silenced – among them the voices of indigenous peoples and women. Photo: Sean Hawkey/WCC

(LWI) - Every year, from 1 September to 4 October, Lutherans join many Christians all over the world to observe the Season of Creation. This year its theme is “Listen to the Voice of Creation”. An ecumenical opening event takes place online on 1 September.

The Twelfth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) affirmed “that the global ecological crisis, including climate change is human-induced. It is a spiritual matter. As people of faith, we are called to live in the right relationship with creation and not exhaust it.”

The global ecological crisis, including climate change is human-induced. It is a spiritual matter. As people of faith, we are called to live in the right relationship with creation and not exhaust it.

– LWF Twelfth Assembly

In light of this call, the 2022 Celebration Guide “Listen to the Voice of Creation” serves as a resource equipping member churches, congregations and individuals to actively participate in the Season of Creation and advocate for climate justice and care for creation.

Consider the voices of those who are silenced

The Celebration Guide contains liturgical resources, Biblical and theological resources, prayers and meditations, and calls to action and advocacy. It provides an ecumenical prayer service, ecologically themed Bible readings, links to eco-theological commentaries and songs, and other useful information.

This year’s theme, “Listen to the Voice of Creation”, invites participants to consider ways to contemplate the voices of those who are silenced and prayerfully lament the individuals, communities, species, and ecosystems who are lost, and those whose livelihoods are threatened by habitat loss and climate change. During this Season, the Celebration Guide invites participants to center the cry of the Earth and the poor in their local context.

There are many global campaigns and options for advocacy and action included in the Celebration Guide, such as World Clean-up Day on 17 September Churches or parishes participating in such an event, or hosting a Season of Creation themed worship are invited to register events on the Season of Creation Website and to share their story using the hashtags #seasonofcreation and #LWF on social media.

The Celebration Guide is available for download in English, Spanish, German and French on the LWF website.

Many churches in the ecumenical family observe the “Season of Creation” (also known as Creation Time) between 1 September and 4 October, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, as observed by some Western traditions. For the Lutheran communion, this liturgical season of prayer and action is an opportunity to affirm LWF’s commitment to addressing a major crisis of our time – climate change. “Listen to the Voice of Creation” is the 2022 theme for the “Season of Creation”.

LWF/A. Weyermüller