A Sign of Mutual Trust and Commitment

07 Jun 2013
Members of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission at the preparatory meeting in Sibiu, Romania. © LWF

Members of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission at the preparatory meeting in Sibiu, Romania. © LWF

Lutheran-Orthodox Preparatory Meeting to Discuss Ordination Rites and Women's Ministry

Liturgical texts on the rites of ordination, women's ordination in Lutheran churches, and the role of women in Orthodox churches, will be the topics for the next preparatory meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission in 2014.

Members of the dialogue group agreed on these topics at the Commission's second preparatory meeting, held 24-29 May, in Sibiu, Romania. Discussions focused on the understanding of ministry/priesthood in the Lutheran and Orthodox traditions, which will be the main topic for the 16th Plenary Meeting of the commission in 2015.

In Sibiu, the 15 theologians representing The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Orthodox Churches identified areas of agreement between the two traditions on ministry, as well as a considerable number of open questions and differences. It was agreed the third preparatory meeting would be necessary to better understand the different issues.

Lutherans and Orthodox have been committed to joint dialogue since 1981 through the commission to which members are appointed by the LWF and churches of the Eastern Orthodox tradition respectively.

"Being able to address the topic of ministry is a sign of mutual trust and commitment for the process of learning and joint witness, which is based on a process of 30 years of dialogue," said Rev. Dr Kaisamari Hintikka, LWF assistant general secretary for ecumenical relations and co-secretary of the joint commission.

At Sibiu the Lutheran and Orthodox theologians also discussed the Lutheran understanding of ministry during the period of the Reformation, and apostolic succession and ordination from a historical, patristic and canonical point of view.

"The atmosphere was constructive, despite the challenging topic," Hintikka said.

The Sibiu meeting was co-chaired by Bishop Dr Christoph Klein of Romania, representing the LWF, and Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, from Turkey, representing the Orthodox.

Hintikka noted that hosting the event was an important occasion for the LWF member church, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania. The gathering, she added, offered an appropriate setting for the ongoing dialogue since the Lutheran and Orthodox traditions have co-existed in the Transylvania region where the commission met, since the Reformation.

The commission's members also attended services and vigils in Orthodox and Lutheran churches respectively, and visited with local church leaders and parishes.

The LWF will host the 2014 preparatory meeting.

The full text of the communiqué from the 2013 preparatory meeting of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission

LWF Communication