“Stand Up and Walk”

12 Apr 2013

LWF Launches Global Virtual Conference on Diakonia

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will break new ground in its continuing efforts to strengthen social services efforts by Lutheran congregations around the world by holding a virtual conference on diakonia on 5 June.

Organized by the LWF Department for Mission and Development (DMD) the one-day Internet-based conference is framed around the theme “Stand Up and Walk,” based on the story about Jesus healing a paralytic (Mark 2: 9-12).

Some 500 pastors, diaconal workers and lay leaders are expected to engage with one another via the Internet on new trends in how churches and their related organizations respond to human need. Registration is free and open to all those who are interested..

DMD director Rev. Dr Musa Panti Filibus said the conference aims to share experiences that will help support lay leaders, pastors and diaconal workers in strengthening the social service care and support that churches provide at community and other levels. The meeting also seeks to connect diaconal workers with colleagues undertaking similar work globally.

“We believe this innovative conference will be a major opportunity for the member churches to strengthen our joint service,” Filibus said.

“Churches around the world do tremendous work in fighting poverty and standing with the marginalized. But how much better can we become in our joint diaconal ministry if we learn from each other?”

Inspired by key themes in the LWF handbook on diakonia, Diakonia in Context, which was published in 2008, the virtual conference hopes to enrich and strengthen theological understanding and practice of diakonia globally.

The conference topics include Faith in Action, Doing Diakonia in Context, Learning and Sharing in Diakonia, and Diakonia and Spirituality. Keynote speakers —including LWF General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge; and Rev. Dr Kjell Nordstokke, professor of diakonia at Diakonhjemmet University College in Oslo and chairperson of the international development agency Norwegian Church Aid — will offer perspectives on current diaconal practices and thinking.

Social services practitioners from different parts of the world will take part in panel discussions focusing on local challenges and several workshops will offer hands-on opportunities to build the skills needed for diaconal work.

The conference languages will be English, Spanish, French and Indonesian. It will be accessible on computers with Internet connection, smart phones and other hand-held devices and the methodology used will allow people with slow Internet connections to participate.

Participants can sign up for the conference as individuals, or join in groups of pastors, church councils or diaconal and other committees to discuss together issues that are relevant to their respective contexts.

(More information and registration: http://lwfvirtualconference.org)

LWF Communication