Witness to unity in a fragmented world

17 Jun 2018
Opening worship of the Central Committee meeting in the chapel of the Ecumenical Centre. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC.

Opening worship of the Central Committee meeting in the chapel of the Ecumenical Centre. Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC.

LWF greets World Council of Churches on 70th anniversary

(LWI) The witness of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) to unity is more important today than ever, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) general secretary, Rev. Dr Martin Junge, said in a greeting on occasion of the WCC’s 70th anniversary.

The founding mothers and fathers of the WCC envisioned the World Council of Churches as an instrument whereby the churches search for the unity which Christ wills for his one church
LWF General Secretary Junge

“The founding mothers and fathers of the WCC envisioned the World Council of Churches as an instrument whereby the churches search for the unity which Christ wills for his one church,” Junge wrote, emphasizing that recent developments made the churches’ contribution even more relevant: “In today’s world, unity is becoming increasingly threatened by forces of fragmentation, polarization, and conflict. Anxiety and fear are being used to feed suspicion, hatred, and xenophobia.”

“Since its beginning, the WCC aimed to hold together two essential aspects of God’s mission as they had been expressed so far in the movements Faith and Order and Life and Work. These two aspects – theological reflection and dialogue on the one hand, and serving one’s neighbor on the other – are not to be seen as alternatives but as two sides of how the churches participate in God’s holistic mission in the world,” Junge wrote.

The general secretary reiterated the LWF’s commitment to the ecumenical movement. “We continue to commit ourselves to this movement and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit on the pilgrimage of justice and peace,” Junge concludes, assuring the WCC of the prayers and ongoing support of the Lutheran communion.

Read full greeting

70 years of the WCC