LWF pledges at the Global refugee Forum

The Lutheran World Federation
Publication date:
December 2019
Languages: English

LWF pledges at the Global refugee Forum

Following the Global Compact on Refugees, UNHCR holds the first ever Global Refugee Forum (16-18 December, Geneva). The Forum aims to put into action the GlobalCompact for Refugees and Migrants (2016), by asking all governments to truly translate into action the principle of international solidarity and responsibility sharing- by making concrete pledges.

In this perspective, faith-based organizations (FBOs) and religious leaders play a key role in welcoming refugees and migrants, supporting them in rebuilding their lives by creating spaces and opportunities of encounter between host communities and refugees. As FBOs, our primary duty is to be the voice of the voiceless and restore hope and dignity to those we serve. As LWF, we support refugees and migrants on many levels – through humanitarian work, rooted in faith, through very concrete diaconal action in many congregations, but also in advocacy on policy-making level through our L2G approach.

LWF therefore is involved in three pledges on the Global Refugee Forum, one alone and two in partnership with other faith-based actor. The following documents lists those pledges.
