To All the Nations: Lutheran Hermeneutics and the Gospel of Matthew

To All the Nations: Lutheran Hermeneutics and the Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew is a valuable resource for the church’s mission. The essays in this collection reflect on the reception of the Gospel of Matthew and how, in light of the Lutheran interpretive traditions, it remains a valuable resource for the church as it seeks to respond to contemporary concerns in its mission to the world.
Published by: Evangelische Verlangstanstalt Leipzig/Lutheran World Federation
Pages: 198
Department: Department of Theology and Public Witness
Program: Lutheran Theology Practice and Formation
Editors: Kenneth Mtata, Craig Koester
ISNB: 978-3-374-04233-3
Publication series: LWF Studies
Publication number series: 2/15
Price (hard copies): €14.85, plus postage and packing
To order please contact:
Lutheran World Federation - [email protected]
Evangelische Verlangstanstalt Leipzig -