God, Creation and Climate Change

God, Creation and Climate Change
Spiritual and Ethical Perspectives
The articles in this book seek to stir and motivate readers to face the urgency of the unprecedented global crisis of climate change as manifest in their contexts, along with the various social, economic and political issues related to it.
The authors also challenge readers to reflect in news ways on the spiritual resources that are a part of the Christian and other traditions and are so crucial for empowering and sustaining us in facing and redressing challenge not only now but also for the future.
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness (formerly the Department for Theology and Studies)
Program: Lutheran Theology, Practice and Formation
Editor: Karen L. Bloomquist
Pages: 176
Publication series: LWF Studies
Number in publication series: 2/2009
ISBN: 978-3-905676-71-6
Language: English