Healing Memories. Implications of the Reconciliation between Lutherans and Mennonites

Publication date:
January 2017
Languages: English, Deutsch

Healing Memories. Implications of the Reconciliation between Lutherans and Mennonites

Meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, in 2010, the Eleventh Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation asked for forgiveness from members of the Anabaptist/Mennonite tradition for wrongs going back to the beginnings of the Lutheran movement in the sixteenth century that had led to painful divisions between the two Christian families. The Mennonites accepted this apology and both communities committed themselves to move toward reconciliation.

On the threshold of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this publication brings together two reports: Healing Memories: Reconciling in Christ by the Lutheran–Mennonite International Study Commission (first published in 2010),  and Bearing Fruit - Implications of the 2010 Reconciliation between Lutherans and Mennonites/Anabaptists, by the LWF Task Force on Mennonite Action (approved by the LWF Council in 2016).

Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig/Lutheran World Federation

Pages: 200

Languages: English and German

Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness

Program: Ecumenical Relations

Author/editor: The Lutheran World Federation and the Mennonite World Conference

ISBN: 978-3-374-04732-18

Publication series: LWF Studies

Publication series number: 2016/2

Price hard copies: Euros 14.85 plus postage and packaging

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