Identity, Survival, Witness. Reconfiguring Theological Agendas

Identity, Survival, Witness. Reconfiguring Theological Agendas
These articles provide glimpses into the complex, intertwined struggles for identity and witness that the churches face in Asia. Much has been written about the need to contextualize theology in settings beyond those where Christian theological traditions have developed, and where the church is growing and/or facing challenges never imagined in the sixteenth century Reformation. Some of these multiple challenges and conflicting dynamics that churches face in such contexts is what the reader finds in this book.
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Author/editor: Karen Bloomquist
Publication series: Theology in the Life of the Church
Number in publication series: vol. 3
Pages: 136
ISBN: 978–3–905676–63-1
Language(s): English