Local to Global Rights-Based Approach – Annual Report 2020

Local to Global Rights-Based Approach – Annual Report 2020
RBA Annual Report 2020
At the core of LWF’s work are people and communities engaged in determining their own future. Adopting a rights-based approach means supporting people to organize and empower themselves, respecting above all their dignity. Solutions to the challenges they face should correspond to their aspirations at the local level, and any global approaches should translate into real impact on the ground.
This distinctive ‘local to global’ or L2G approach was particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The rights of the most vulnerable were acutely threatened, and it became more critical to focus on sustainable solutions.
Through its Rights-Based Approach (RBA) initiative, the LWF engaged in advocacy for land rights and the rights of marginalized communities, refugees and women in Angola, Chad, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, South Sudan and Uganda. Results included access to education, legal justice and land for communities; improved livelihoods; and construction of safe shelters and multipurpose community buildings, among others.
Read more in the RBA report.
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