One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
This publication documents a study on ecclesiology carried out by the Lutheran World Federation. In addition to Lutheran contributors, the study included voices from other denominations and took into account how they understand the church as being one holy, catholic and apostolic.
The articles in this book bring together a multitude of theological styles and traditions. In their variety, they are like the multicolored reality of the churches. This variety is part of God’s history with humankind. This publication gives a glimpse of the creative ways in which God relates to people and makes God’s presence real.
Publishers: The Lutheran World Federation
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Program: Lutheran Theology, Practice and Formation
Editors: Hans-Peter Grosshans
Pages: 188
Publication Series: LWF Studies
Number in Series: Volumne 1
ISBN: 978-3-905676-70-9
Languages: English