Religious Plurality and the Public Space: Joint Christian-Muslim Theological Reflections

Publication date:
June 2015
Religious Plurality and the Public Space: Joint Christian-Muslim Theological Reflections
Religious plurality is a vital element of many societies. Christian and Muslim scholars from different parts of the world explore the meaning of public space. They examine how public space can be understood as a shared space and discuss the meaning of secularity in plural societies.
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Pages: 184
Languages: English
Department: Theology and Public Witness
Program: Public theology and inter-religious relations
ISBN: 978-3-374-03930-2
Editors: Simone Sinn (LWF), Mouhanad Khorchide (Centre for Islamic Theology), Dina El Omari (Centre for Islamic Theology)
Price: €15.85
Series: LWF Studies 1/2015