Church planter, Christian blogger and interfaith pioneer in his native Malaysia were among the most formative experiences for Rev. Dr Sivin Kit on his journey to leadership with the LWF in Geneva.
LWF invites proposals for small-scale youth-led climate projects in its member churches. Projects should run from July to October 2023, and proposals can be submitted until 30 April.
LWF is calling for applications to join its annual seminar on church leadership which be held in Geneva, Switzerland, and Wittenberg, Germany, in June. The deadline for applications is 20 February.
Lutheran World Federation Youth are conducting a survey to collect information about the communion’s commitment to youth leadership and are asking that member church leaders of all ages complete the survey. The results will be published before…
LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr. Anne Burghardt has been awarded the title of Doctor of Theology (Dr. theol.) after completing her doctoral studies in 2022, marking the conclusion of many years of research into Orthodox theology and liturgy.…
The theme for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity emphasizes the way in which shared worship must always go hand in hand with joint efforts to promote justice and dismantle systems of oppression.
Over three quarters of the Czech population has no church affiliation or religious belief, yet young people still look to the church as they search for a sense of meaning in their lives
In our fourth and final Bible Year webinar, two leading Lutheran theologians explore ways in which Scripture can inspire meaningful and prophetic action, but can also be misused as a weapon to oppress, discriminate and divide.
Violence and destruction are never acceptable ways of expressing political differences, says LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt in a message of support to leaders of the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil.
Looking forward to the LWF Assembly in Poland in 2023, General Secretary Rev. Anne Burghardt urges Christians “not to be indifferent” but to live out the gospel, working for unity and hope in the coming year.