The LWF delegation advocates ecumenically for climate justice at the UN Climate Change Conference COP23. We raise new climate leaders and support our churches engagement for climate justice.
For the LWF, climate change is a question of justice, peace, the care for creation, and human rights. It is also a question of justice between people, nations, and generations. As a young delegation, and people of faith, the LWF delegation to COP23 focuses on intergenerational responsibility to care for creation and stand in solidarity with our neighbours.
The delegation of 12 young Lutherans from all over the world will advocate, campaign and bring a faith-voice to the negotiations together with its ecumenical partners (ACT Alliance, WCC, Worldwide YMCA).
Because the LWF wants to be part of the solution, in June 2015, its Council voted not invest in fossil fuels and the LWF Twelfth Assembly in May 2017 “called upon the global communion to strengthen its efforts even more for climate justice".
Find more information on this subject at:
LWF on Climate Justice
LWF COP Delegations
LWF Assembly Resolution on Climate Change
ACT Alliance: Climate Change Advocacy Framework Position (2016 – 2018)
The event will be in English and German.