
Preserving and promoting the Lutheran communion’s institutional memory

The LWF Archives, housed at the LWF Communion Office in Geneva, preserve the records of the Lutheran World Convention, and the Lutheran World Federation. The collection contains paper documents, photographs, sound tapes, films and videos, and publications representing some 1,000 running meters, the institutional and historical memory of the Lutheran Communion. Their digitization process ensures long-term access, for future generations, to this unique and invaluable heritage consisting of milestone moments of the Lutheran World Federation.

"History is our future"
[ Aus Gegenwart wird Zunkunft ]

Bishop Christian Krause, former President of the LWF
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In the aftermath of the Second World War, the LWF supported thousands of displaced people in Europe. The young boy wearing an LWF pin on his coat lapel represents those pushed to leave their homes and find refuge elsewhere. Photo: LWF Archives

In the aftermath of the Second World War, the LWF supported thousands of displaced people in Europe. The young boy wearing an LWF pin on his coat lapel represents those pushed to leave their homes and find refuge elsewhere. Photo: LWF Archives

LWF Digital Archives, Library, and Museum

Note: Our inventories are currently migrated to a new system. Please contact the archivist for more information at [email protected]

Search the online inventories of LWF Archives

Search instructions:

  • Choose your language (de, en, fr)
    Please note that the description of the archives is in English. The language of the documents is largely English, but other languages as well.
  • We recommend starting with the Archive plan search
    Step down the hierarchy of the Archive Plan by clicking on "+" and select the relevant archival units. By clicking on the title, you get the detail view with full information about the item. Turn back to the hierarchical view by clicking the icon "Localize in archive plan" on the left.
  • Full text search
    Search in all fields of description. It is recommended when you have specific key words as, e.g., names of persons. Use quotation marks if your key word is a compound term (e.g. "Ecclesiology").
  • Field search
    Search in one or several specific fields of description. That is recommended when you want to search for a reference code.
  • Descriptor search
    This allows you to search by subject, person, events and conferences, geographical names, LWF governing bodies, programs, units and sister organizations. The first step is to find your descriptor(s). The second step (on the right) is to start a search with the selected descriptor. Analyze your results: be aware of the description level of every result and of the reference code (codes beginning with a number are paper archives, those beginning with a letter are audiovisual documents). Localize your result by clicking on the archive plan icon (AP).

Stored on the Internet Archive platform, are a dozen of digitized collections of publications, including Assemblies, Ecumenism, Missions, Theology, Youth, Women, World Service, LWF regions, and Lutheran World.

Communion office Digital Photo Exhibition

Conditions of use

Researchers should read and follow the LWF Archives Rules and Fees; must complete, sign and send the LWF Archives Request Form, two weeks prior to a planned visit, to [email protected]:

  • Consultation must follow the LWF Archives Rules and Fees and will only be approved upon request and appointment. It is free of charge.
  • Access is granted to all files of LWF Archives after 20 years, calculated from the date on which the requested file is closed. In any particular case, the LWF may revoke open access to any document at any time when it asserts preponderant interests.
  • Users must be accompanied by LWF at all times, in order to access the repositories, or be in possession of an explicit authorization.
  • Personal devices, such as cameras or phones (without flash) are allowed but require previous authorization from the LWF staff.
  • The LWF claims copyright on its archives. Copyright of archives of depositors or depositing organizations is governed by a specific agreement between the LWF and the depositor.
    • Users citing or employing LWF archival sources must quote the source "Archives of the Lutheran World Federation" or "LWF Archives," and in case of use of an image, the quote should read "by permission of The Lutheran World Federation," and by indicating the exact archival reference number.
  • LWF Archive Rules and Fees
  • LWF Archive Request Form

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Ms Marie-Pierre Dimanche
Archives Administrator
Office Manager
Planning and Coordination Assistant

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