Praying, reflecting and journeying together during Lent
Praying, reflecting and journeying together during Lent
A Praying Communion of Churches
Lent is a season for introspection, prayer, fasting and sharing, with many Christians embarking on individual journeys of spiritual renewal. It is a time to reflect on our pilgrimage together, and mutually encourage one another during trying times.
Inspired by Luther’s guide for doing theology through Oratio (prayer), Meditatio (meditation) and Tentatio (trial/struggle) – we offer this resource to accompany fellow believers in affirming ‘togetherness’ in the communion of Lutheran churches worldwide.
Martin Luther wrote:
there is the tentatio, testing (Anfechtung). This is the touchstone. It teaches you not only to know and understand but also to experience how right, how true, how sweet, how lovely, how mighty, how comforting God’s word is: it is wisdom supreme.
– Luther's Works: Career of the Reformer. Vol. 34, 286-87.
Publisher: The Lutheran World Federation
Department: DTMJ
Editors: DTMJ & Office for Communication
Publication Date: February-April 2020