By Felix Samari, Communication Officer, Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria
This week’s presidential election in Nigeria was a landmark. Not only did voting run peacefully, but power was handed over peacefully. And today, two days…
LWF Advocacy Officer Dr Ojot Ojulu took part in the 60th year commemorations of the first all-Africa Lutheran conference. He analyzes the critical need for church advocacy in today’s society.
Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire de la création a été racontée dans la Bible. Les scientifiques ont aussi fait leur récit de la création. Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire du climat à travers les ères géographiques, les…
LWF World Service Kenya - Djibouti Program representative Lennart Hernander urges leaders to put human rights at the fore of decisions concerning refugee camps in Kenya.
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) works to improve the human rights situation in South Sudan and Uganda through the Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism.
Since 2015, the LWF has implemented global social and…
The Lutheran World Federation organized its first interfaith “Peace Messengers Training” in September 2017. The participants gained skills and tools on advocacy, negotiation and mediation. They…
The Lutheran World Federation organized its first interfaith “Peace Messengers Training” in September 2017. The participants gained skills and tools on advocacy,…
Impressions of Burundi through the World Cup cycle
As football fanatics were watching the 1994 FIFA World Cup, large-scale violence had already broken out in Burundi and elsewhere in the African Great Lakes region. In…
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) signed a project agreement in June to promote inter-religious tolerance and…