Indonesian member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have planted partner trees for the ones in the Wittenberg Luther Garden at the Ecumenical Centre of the Council of Protestant Indonesian Churches in North Sumatra on 15 June 2014.…
“I learn to take care of myself. I learn to discipline myself” says 16-year old Lilli in impeccable English. She has one more year of school before she plans to study accounting. The girl who looks much younger lives at Rumah (house)…
In 2012, Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani girl then twelve years old, was shot in the head by a member of the Tehrik-e-Taliban, a tribal-political formation in Pakistan. While she recovered shortly thereafter,…
Dr Jerzy Sojka is among the seven theologians in the LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Polish context and expectations about the process.
Why is it important for the LWF to engage in this…
Bishop emeritus Dr Busi Suneel Bhanu is on the seven-member LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Indian context and expectations about the process.
One of the main issues discussed at the Asia Church Leadership Conference held in Taipei, Taiwan, 12–15 April 2015, was the need to strengthen the cooperation of Lutheran theological seminaries and colleges in Asia.…
The LWF Gender Justice Policy gives new ideas and thoughts to the Lutheran Church in Korea. The process of developing the translation was good, although we learned there is room for improvements in such a…
In the Japan Lutheran Church, 70 percent of those who attend worship are women. It therefore means that women are the majority of servers in the church. They are happy to serve and give their voice at various…
We must draw on the past in order to examine inter-faith dialogue, says Dr Tong Wing-sze, director of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, in Hong Kong, which is to host next month’s interfaith consultation,…
Rev. Dr Kristin Johnston Largen reflects on her visit to temples and mosques in Hong Kong. Largen is one of the international participants at the LWF inter-faith consultation on religious life and public space, taking place in…