Perspectives from Faith-based Actors
Live session at the 2020 Geneva Peace Week
Awareness is increasing that the challenge for peacebuilding in countries from the global south will become exponentially more difficult due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Peacebuilding is disrupted, and socio-economic inequality and political instability are exposed further by inadequate government responses to the pandemic.
Climate change and frequent extreme weather events have already affected many conflict-affected countries that depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. Thus, the impact of climate change and the current pandemic reveals the diminished capacity of states with weak institutions and the risks posed to faith-based actors in peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
- Beverly Longid, Global Coordinator, The International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), Phillipines
- Sophia Gebreyes, Country Representative, Lutheran World Federation, Ethiopia
- Sivin Kit, Program Executive for Public Theology and Interreligious Relations, Lutheran World Federation, Switzerland
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Further information:
More on LWF Interfaith and Peace
More on LWF Climate Justice
Geneva Peace Week