The theme of this year’s Council will be: Because we know God’s voice (from John 10:4).
The Lutheran World Federation's annual governance meeting takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 13 to 18 June 2019. On 12 June the LWF Executive Committee will meet and a Pre-Council meeting for women and youth will take place.
The LWF Council meets once a year and is responsible for LWF business between Assemblies. It consists of:
the President
the Chairperson of the Finance Committee
48 lay or ordained people, from LWF member churches in seven regions.
Members of this Council were appointed at the 2017 Twelfth Assembly.
Public statements and resolutions from 2019 LWF Council meeting
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council concluded its 2019 meeting with public statements and resolutions on crises related to climate change, the Israeli-…
“My faith teaches that compassion, mercy, love and hospitality are for everyone: the native born and the foreign born; the member of my community and the newcomer. I will remember and remind members of my community that we are all considered “…
Faith gives our everyday life depth that takes us beyond the material boundaries of the world. We live in relationship with a living God and we have ethical ground to stand on. Still, we are confined to the natural world of wonder and beauty, but…
Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ by caring for our common home
Climate is changing. The atmosphere of the public debate on environmental protection is also changing. COP 24 clearly showed that conversations about joint actions to protect…