Präsident - Erzbischof Dr. Panti Filibus Musa (2017-2023)

Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa was the President of the LWF. He was elected at the Twelfth Assembly in May 2017, in Windhoek, Namibia. He was the thirteenth person to serve in the position of president.

The President is the presiding officer of the Assembly, the Council and the Executive Committee. He or she oversees LWF’s life and work in consultation with the General Secretary. The Assembly elects the President to serve until the next Assembly.

President Musa is an ordained pastor from The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) where he served as Archbishop. He has a broad range of experience with the LWF, having served in various positions between 2002 and 2013, including that of Deputy General Secretary.

Musa and his wife Rev. Ruth Musa have three adult children and three grandchildren.

LWB-Präsident Musa

LWB-Präsident Musa


Über den Präsident

Der Präsident leitet die Vollversammlung, den Rat und den Exekutivausschuss und beaufsichtigt das Leben und die Arbeit des LWB in Absprache mit der Generalsekretärin.

Die Vollversammlung wählt den Präsidenten bzw. die Präsidentin für eine Amtszeit von sieben Jahren.


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