A solemn opening service in the historic town church in Wittenberg, the unveiling of the redesigned “Heavenly Cross” in the Luther Garden, a "living monument" of the Reformation was followed by a morning of intense discussions with ecumenical…
The newly elected Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) met for the first time on 17 May in Windhoek, Namibia. The Council was elected during the Twelfth Assembly. During the meeting the Council elected seven vice-presidents and…
Outcomes of the LWF Twelfth Assembly are now available
The Twelfth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) was encouraging and positive, say LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin…
“Our energy… comes from the gifts we have freely received”
(LWI) - A warm and joyful Eucharist service marked the opening of the Lutheran World Federation 2018 Council meeting this morning. 48 Council members from LWF member churches,…