Erklärung: Zivilisten in der Ukraine besser schützen

23 Febr. 2024

LWB und andere Hilfsorganisationen fordern Stop der Angriffe auf Städte und Infrastruktur in der Ukraine. 

LWB-Teamleiter Mark Mullan besichtigt ein Wohngebiet, das durch Raketeneinschläge in Charkiw weitgehend zerstört wurde

LWB-Teamleiter Mark Mullan besichtigt ein Wohngebiet, das durch Raketeneinschläge in Charkiw weitgehend zerstört wurde. Foto: LWB/Anatolyi Nazarenko

14.6 Millionen Menschen in der Ukraine brauchen humanitäre Hilfe 

23. Februar 2024 

GENF, Schweiz

Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss mehr tun, um die Zivilbevölkerung zu schützen und den humanitären Bedarf in der Ukraine zu decken, sagen der Lutherische Weltbund (LWB) und andere in der Ukraine tätige Hilfsorganisationen. 

Während der Krieg in der Ukraine in sein drittes Jahr geht, fordern 51 humanitäre Organisationen, die sofortige Einstellung aller Angriffe auf Zivilisten und zivile Infrastruktur, insbesondere in dicht besiedelten Stadtgebieten. Seit Kriegsbeginn wurden in der Ukraine 10.500 Zivilisten getötet, fast 15 Millionen sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. 

Die Erklärung im englischen Wortlaut: 

UKRAINE: 42 civilian casualties every day in two years of war.

KYIV, 24 February 2024 – Two years since the escalation of war in Ukraine, more than 10,500 civilians have been killed, including 587 children, as constant bombardments, mines, and drone attacks have left a generation traumatised, displaced and fearful for their lives, said 51 members of the Humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine.

With an average of 42 civilians killed and wounded per day, and recent months being particularly deadly, the group, made up of local and international organisations working in the country, is calling for the immediate protection of civilians, and reminds member states of promises made to tackle dire humanitarian needs of people in Ukraine.

More than 87% of the people killed, or 9,241 people, are casualties of explosive weapons, with many of the injuries life-changing in nature, including the loss of limbs or eyesight. The number is understood to be a vast undercount, as the UN continues to corroborate the figures. At the same time, people across Ukraine far from the frontlines also need support to rebuild their lives and recover.

“My daughter is growing up in the basement now,” says Sviatlana. She and her 7-year-old daughter decided to stay in Kherson, an area that comes under heavy bombardment... “The longest time we had in the dark without electricity was 1.5 months, so now when there is a blackout I try to joke with my daughter, ‘what is one day, we already had way worse’. …Now there is only waiting and surviving. She is just a kid and wants to play outside on the playground, but she cannot leave the basement.”

Two years of renewed fighting has destroyed lives, homes and livelihoods, leaving 14.6 million people, including nearly 3 million children, in desperate need of humanitarian assistance across Ukraine. Nearly 80% of those in need of aid also require mental health support. The poverty level in Ukraine increased five-fold – 24 percent up from 5 percent – in 2022 alone.

Because of ongoing violence, about 4 million people are still displaced within Ukraine and more than 5.9 million were forced to flee to neighboring countries. Even though 67% of those internally displaced say they want to return home someday, many are unable to return to their homes as the war has shattered their communities, and livelihoods. Many displaced people struggle to integrate in their new communities, where it is difficult to find jobs and housing. Women make up 58% of the internally displaced, and are more likely than men to experience unemployment and dependency on humanitarian aid.

Vulnerable groups are disproportionately affected by the ongoing war. Existing inequalities, including those facing children, Roma people, LGBTQIA+ people, older people and people with disabilities, are only increasing as the long-term, as compounding effects of the crisis drive specific needs.

Joanna Garbalinska, Director of the Humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine, said:

“As the war continues, life is far from normal. Civilians are living day-to-day under the threat of missiles and shells, which continue to hit populated civilian areas, inflicting death and destruction to areas near and far from the frontlines.

“The Humanitarian NGO Platform in Ukraine calls for all attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure to cease immediately, particularly in dense urban areas, as they may amount to

grave violations of international humanitarian law. Civilians must always be protected from violence.

Today marks a grim milestone of the war in Ukraine. As the fighting heads into its third year since the escalation, humanitarian agencies in Ukraine remind member states of promises made to tackle this crisis. Today, humanitarian support is more needed than ever. Long-term funding commitments for humanitarian and recovery efforts – with Ukrainian civil society in the lead – are critical for the safety of civilians and for Ukraine’s future.”


NGO Signatories

  • "БО ""МБФ ""Руки друзів""// Friends' Hands
  • Action Against Hunger (ACF)
  • ActionAid
  • ГО "АЛЬЯНС.ГЛОБАЛ" // ALLIANCE.GLOBAL, Public Organization
  • arche noVa
  • CARE
  • Caritas Ukraine
  • Caritas Zaporizhzhia
  • Corus International
  • CUAMM - Doctors with Africa
  • Danish Refugee Council
  • Estonian Refugee Council
  • FHI 360
  • Fida International Ukraine
  • Finn Church Aid
  • Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe
  • Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
  • Humanity & Inclusion – Handicap International (HI)
  • humedica e.V.
  • International Rescue Committee
  • La Chaîne de L’espoir
  • The Lutheran World Federation
  • MAG (Mines Advisory Group)
  • Medair
  • Médecins du Monde International Network
  • Medical Teams International
  • Mercy Corps
  • Nonviolent Peaceforce
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Oxfam
  • People in Need
  • Plan International
  • Premiere Urgence Internationale
  • Right to Protection
  • Save the Children
  • Solidarités international
  • Stichting Vluchteling (The Netherlands Refugee Foundation)
  • Terre des Hommes
  • Паросток// Parostok
  • UK-Med Ukraine
  • Ukrainian Red Cross Society
  • Українська фундація громадського здоров‘я // Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health
  • Welthungerhilfe
  • World Vision International
  • ГО "Дівчата”// NGO “Girls”
  • ГО «ГІ Допоможемо Разом» //NGO “Will Help Together”
  • Єдність чеснот//NGO “Unity of Virtue”


LWB/C. Kästner-Meyer